Sexual education is broadly defined as including, but not limited to information related to: sex and sexuality, abstinence, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), HIV/AIDS, contraception, relationship decision-making, sexual orientation, human sexual development, the process of reproduction, and safe sex practices (D. Findings are discussed in relation to how providers can help YMSM build solid foundations of sexual education to protect them from STI and HIV infection. Some relied on older/more experienced partners, the internet and pornography for information. Many mentioned they first learned about anal sex during their sexual debut, describing painful and/or unpleasant experiences. In some cases, this resulted in the perception that activities such as unprotected sex were “low risk”. At initiation of anal intercourse, respondents generally had limited information about HIV and STIs. Findings indicate that information related to gay men’s sexuality is not readily available from family, friends or schools. Drawing on a mixed-methods study with 526 YMSM, this study explores how and where YMSM receive relevant information on sexual health/behavior.
There remains a dearth of research on the relevant sexual health information available to young men who have sex with men (YMSM). A growing body of research is investigating the effectiveness of abstinence only sexual education.